CROSCO, Integrated drilling and Well Services Co., Ltd. is pleased to announce signing of contracts for drilling and well operations with Ukrainian state company Pjsc Ukrgasvydobuvannya (UGV), one of the largest oil and gas business operators in Ukraine.
Contract for drilling six wells, with total value of 23,4 ml EUR, for Lot 10 CROSCO signed on June 6th, 2017 and second contract for drilling separate six wells, with total value of 23,6 ml EUR, for Lot 8 signed on July 4th, 2017.
Commencement of drilling operations on Lot 10 with 2000 HP land drilling rig EMSCO-605 and on Lot 8 with 2000 HP land drilling rig R-67 is scheduled for third quarter of year 2017 and it is planned to drill two wells per year on each Lot.